10 years after Toy Story 2 (and 15 years since the original Toy Story), Disney Pixar brings Woody, Buzz and the rest of the gang back to the big screen! OMG OMG OMG!!!! As someone who grew up with Disney cartoons and movies, how can I not be super-exciterered??? WoOWwoWOo!
In this installment Andy is all grown up and is preparing to depart for college. This presents a problem for his old-but-faithful toys as they are uncertain about Andy's need for them. However, Woody is the only one that remains optimistic about Andy's feelings for them, and relentlessly attempts to persuade the rest of the gang that they have to be there for Andy whatever happens. This leads to the toys finding themselves in a day care centre, run by a cute and cuddly bear toy, and soon thereafter they find that they've stumbled upon a dark secret which leads to their attempt of a great escape (reminds me of that 1960s movie The Great Escape). This is not left unaccompanied by the hilarious antics of the toys as well as the adorable new characters as well as beautifully rendered 3D graphics.
Adverlets bloggers enjoyed the privilege of watching the movie a WEEK before it was released (even the world premiere!) so we had to hand over our electronics (mobile phone, laptops, cameras etc) such was our privilege MUAHAHAHA!! Before the show started there was the press launch, and they even flew Woody and Buzz all the way from HongKong to attend the conference!
Here are some concept art for the Toy Story fans to enjoy.
LOVING the colours.
Hahaha this is so cute!
As you can see, the vibrant colours as well as the trademark cute and quirky characters look real promising. This show (the whole trilogy actually) is gonna be one of those anthologies that you would wanna buy the special limited edition box-set with holographic cover and illustrative booklet just to keep the fond memories and the simple joy of being able to watch anytime, anywhere.
I can't bring myself to spoil the movie for you guys, so i'm just gonna upload some screencaps from the movie itself. To those who haven't managed to watch it yet (which undoubtedly 90% of you guys should've already LoL), don't worry these images WON'T spoil the movie for you guys k?
Oh wait, i'm having a problem uploading images from the press kit CD here. Dang. Guess i have to curi from Hanie's blog =.=
Woody trying to convince the rest of the toys that Andy still wants them.
The toys are in awe at the first glimpse of Sunnyside DayCare.
Lotso (new character!) showing the toys around the daycare.
I thought the interaction between Barbie and Ken was brilliant!
To those who have not taken time off to catch Toy Story 3, PLEASE DO SO ASAP! IMHO, one of the best films from DisneyPixar and a MUST-WATCH movie this year. I, for one would not mind watching this movie 2, 3, or even 4 times. It's just one of those movies you won't get tired of. On a scale of 1 to 10, i'd say......."To Infinity....and Beyond!"
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