Skellington Obsession

Posted by RuZen Chung On 6:21 AM 0 comments

The Nightmare before Christmas is one of my favourite movies of all time. As a kid i used to be crazy about everything that was even associated with the movie. Now the obsession has sparked up again because i was finally able to get my hands on the movie (the wonders of filesharing and torrent!). 


I'd definitely buy these. Must. Sangap dah.

Move over Slash.

Now, i think these are pretty cool too. However, imagine if you're really skinny and you have these tattoos, it'll look like a skeleton bursting out of another skeleton. Lame.

Farking style la bro!

OK, made up my mind. Off to the magical world of online shopping! Bye....HEeehahAHhhaheHEHAHEE!